The project activities are the following:

ADRION 5 SENSES Network: Bringing together regional and local authorities, regional and national development agencies, government bodies, tourism professionals and tourism stakeholders.
Joint Strategy and Action Plan: Involving local and regional stakeholders and creating a strategic vision for ADRION tourism.
ADRION BRAND NAME: ADRION destination is promoted as a unified, culture & nature rich destination for tourists of all seasons.
TRAINING: Tourism professionals and tourism stakeholders participate in training workshops and study visits to boost the ADRION Brand Name and design new experiences for visitors.

These activities will be supported by the development of the following tools:

  • Multilingual Web Platform for the ADRION destination with a digital Map of Sensations to promote attraction spots based on their sensory and emotional features.
  • 9 Virtual and Physical Exhibition Centres, operated by the project partners, showcasing the ADRION sensory experience.
  • Road Map for replication of the ADRION 5 SENSES methodology