On the 27th of June 2019, the ADRION project “SMART Heritage” organised its Kick-Off Meeting in Chalkida, Evia (Greece). SMART Heritage – Sustainable management and promotion of common cultural heritage” has as goal to promote, valorise and protect cultural heritage in the Adriatic-Ionain area. Its specific objective is to raise tourism attractiveness and reduce tourism seasonality in the project area, consisting of Evia (Greece, Gerace (Italy), Forli (Italy), Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and Albania. Its specific objectives include the creation of the SMART Heritage cultural route as innovative/unique cultural tourism product, and the digitalisation of cultural heritage. The project’s Lead Partner is the Development Agency of Evia S.A., also project partner of ADRION 5 SENSES. The rest of consortium members are: the Albanian Development Fund (also ADRION 5 SENSES project partner), the Municipalities of Forli and Gerace and the University of Mostar.
The Development Agency of Evia, welcomed the partners in Evia and organised the Kick-Off Meeting to both kick-start the project, but as well as to showcase the tourist and cultural offering of Evia. The project ADRION 5 SENSES was officially invited to present itself and discuss future cross-fertilisation activities.
The ADRION 5 SENSES Project Lead Partner, the Region of Epirus, was represented by Ektor Tsatsoulis, the External Expert of the Region. Mr Tsatsoulis was entrusted with the task of presenting ADRION 5 SENSES to the partners of SMART HERITAGE. Mr Tsatsoulis narrowed down the overall and specific objectives of ADRION 5 SENSES that are to brand the ADRION region by indulging all five senses so to increase tourist’s loyalty and to design memorable experiences by exploring the potential of ICT.
A Joint Declaration was published by the two projects, stating their intention to jointly “promote the ADRION area as a unified and unique cultural heritage and sensory-rich tourism destination”